The SPRES project will achieve several goals throughout the duration of the project. These will be further detailed and presented on this website as they become finalized.

The general overview of these outcomes will be as follows:

  • A set of high resolution operational oceanographic systems in several estuaries and ports. These systems will provide daily forecast of sea level, currents, temperature and salinity.
  • Oil spill modelling systems coupled with the aforementioned operational systems ready to be used at these local scales in case of a pollution threat.
  • A GIS-based risk assessment system for each of the chosen sites.
  • A local oil spill response plan for each of the chosen sites

Santander Bay

The Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IH Cantabria,, within the

Port of Falmouth

AZTI Tecnalia ( and Falmouth Harbour Commisioners ( are working together to get the

Aveiro Lagoon

Aveiro Lagoon The Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (, in collaboration with CESAM (,

Belfast Lough

A high Resolution (46 m) Operational Oceanographic System in Belfast Lough is near completion, and is composed of two